



乐动体育英超赞助商Bibens硬件公司總裁Rick Bibens於1978年開始職業生涯,當時他搬回SpringfieldVT並接管他父親的硬件商店和木場Bibens家居中心乐动国际裏克在過去40年中將公司從單商店發展到從布拉特博羅到伯靈頓為佛蒙特州服務7個站點。 他在Ace硬件國家董事會服務九年,代表東區Ace硬件公司

Rick一直高度參與當地社區事務,他是Springfield區域開發公司創始人和總裁之一,Springfield商會董事會成員,Springfield醫院和Springfield醫療係統董事會前董事兼董事長,2004年,Springfield Service Service

乐动体育英超赞助商Matt Sacco,Bibens Ace副總裁

乐动体育英超赞助商Matt Sacco在華府長大,NJ市幾乎像佛蒙特州小片子一樣。 Matt從特拉華大學獲得理財學士學位(見後妻Erica Bibens)和弗吉尼亞大學會計學碩士

乐动体育英超赞助商Matt and Erica soon made the move to Philadelphia, PA, when he took a job with Ernst & Young, during which he pursued his CPA license.  They continued on to Boston, MA when Matt joined the Consulting and the Mergers & Acquisitions practice for Ernst & Young.  After having their first child, Matt and Erica wished to be closer to family, and so moved to Vermont.  This move was a welcomed change from corporate life, as he joined the family business as Vice President of Operations of Bibens Ace, all the while learning the ins and outs of hardware: nuts, bolts, grills, drills, and everything in between.

乐动体育英超赞助商Matt和Erica目前居住在Essex, 在那裏,他們享受養育三個孩子的瘋狂分鍾:Kylie、Brayden和Hudson。Matt自豪地成為Brattleboro公司Brown & Roberts Ace公司和Woodstock公司最近WoodstockAce硬件公司的一部分。他最喜歡學習最佳方法通過Bibens公司知識豐富的員工解決(永不結束)家庭改良項目,並期望幫助家族企業在未來歲月中繼續增長

乐动体育英超赞助商Brian Baird於2000年8月加入Bibens Ace管理Colchester地址,這是Bibens Ace商店首個分支地址。在隨後的幾年裏,他還加入SouthBurlington公司、Burlington公司和Essexlations公司。2010年,他提升為北部地址總經理。Brian公司住在Colchester公司,VT公司與妻子和兩個兒子住在一起。Brian公司不工作時享受家庭時間,打冰球並享受戶外活動

乐动体育英超赞助商格雷格比賓斯營銷培訓協調員 總經理伯靈頓伊塞克斯南伯靈頓乐动体育英超赞助商(gbibens@www.smtfsw.com)

乐动体育英超赞助商Greg Bibens總經理

乐动体育英超赞助商Greg Bibens is a born and raised Vermonter.  Having grown up in the family business, he spent much of his youth working in the lumber yard, at the cash register, or stocking the aisles at the Springfield location.  Upon graduating from high school, Greg pursued his passion of the theatre, attending the musical theatre program at the University of Michigan.  In 2003, he moved to NYC, leading the life of a struggling actor, which often led to waiting tables or bartending to survive in the Big Apple.  In doing so, he developed another passion, the hospitality industry, and decided to return to school to train as a chef at the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, NY.  After graduating he moved his way up in the business as a manager, general manager, and director of outlets at restaurants and hotels throughout Boston, NYC, and Chicago, leading successful teams through creative marketing, community outreach, and the development of various training programs.


乐动体育英超赞助商Peter Torney在SpringfieldVT創業並開始為Bibens家中心打工,乐动体育英超赞助商Bibens Ace分治37年以上,管理者30年以上,已婚2個子孫2個孫子孫子孫女,閑餘時間與家人、朋友和全屋項目共度時間

John搬到springfield 2018年夏天VT 後住在波士頓乐动体育英超赞助商藥店零售管理35年後,2018年秋季加入Bibens Acespringfield團隊,作為銷售助理/客戶服務專家學習硬件業務,學習工作培訓風格,從混合塗料到管道電路驅動叉車2023年1月,他被提升為存儲管理員

乐动体育app网页版John在Burlington/Essex區長大後,2018年初從波士頓區遷移回佛蒙特州,目標是在下新英格蘭子民與上佛蒙特州家庭相隔半路生活。 在John自由時間裏,他享受戶外活動,在新家工作,與雙狗共度日遊,並成為springfield社區的積極成員

乐动体育英超赞助商Peter Casselman grew up in Massachusetts, spending much of his childhood mucking about in boats on Buzzards Bay.  Fascinated by anything mechanical, he rebuilt his first outboard motor at the age of twelve to power the nutshell pram he had built with his brother and father.  Throughout high school and college, he repaired automobiles at a small shop specializing in European sports cars, where he honed his problem-solving abilities.  In 2006, Peter moved to Vermont and joined the Bibens Ace team as a sales associate at the Colchester location, where he found his niche in the marine department.  From 2011 to 2015, he managed the Burlington location before returning to Colchester.  Peter is a true believer in the value of the neighborhood hardware store, and strives to ensure that Bibens always is The Helpful Place.  He resides in Georgia, Vermont with his wife and their animals.

Roland Ostrout原生佛蒙特人,從小享受戶外運動和公民思想校內工作從園林化工到門衛工到建築工到汽車批發商乐动体育英超赞助商羅蘭後來上佛蒙特大學,不久後在佛蒙特市中心建家庭。 1987年他開始與Ames省商店零售業務,2002年加入Bibens Ace公司,同時市內也是一名執法官員,居住數年

乐动体育英超赞助商Bibens Ace南Burlington模式多次轉換,Roland自始即參與進程乐动体育英超赞助商商店為比賓斯家族開業排名第三,它為南伯靈頓社區提供居間居間居中,無論是住宅市場還是商業市場,都令人吃驚地呈正向性羅蘭和大多數員工 已經在那裏多年 並可以提供必要的建議 和幫助

James Deberville家居華盛頓VTJames與高中愛心Annetet結婚並一起養育3個孩子,現在又寵壞5個孫子。他熱衷騎馬,目前是Dog River馬俱樂部主席消遣由騎馬遊滑雪組成

高校畢業後,他開始零售行程。他從堆積木開始,出售門窗,最終設計全套廚房。 經驗允許他長進並接任更多職責,並在那裏管理成熟和成長硬件業務。

乐动体育英超赞助商自Essex商店2008大開以來,他一直是Bibens Ace成員,促進Essex員工團隊合作,確保他們的客戶服務、產品選擇和氛圍滿足所有客戶需求。停止使用爆米花並讓我們幫助你項目。用存儲存儲或特殊指令Ace

乐动体育英超赞助商Jordan Clapperton was born and raised in Springfield, VT, where he spent most of time with family, friends, and playing sports.  During his years in high school he developed a passion for community development, business and physical fitness.  He pursued these interests in college, achieving a bachelor's degree in Business & Sports Administration.  Throughout his young adult life, Jordan has worked in various jobs, both in manual labor and customer service, finding where his skills and interest would suit him best.  After many years as a customer of Bibens Ace Hardware doing various projects with his father, Jordan decided when he moved to the Burlington area that the combination of management, local business, and customer service that Ace Hardware provided was the perfect fit.乐动体育英超赞助商Jordan的主要目標是向每位客戶提供幫助性暢銷經驗,


乐动体育英超赞助商Ed Morse was born and raised in Brattleboro, VT, where his family can be traced back five generations.  In 1986, while in the Career Center Building Trades program, he was hired by Brown & Roberts to repair windows and screens, later developing into a variety of repairs, including building maintenance.  Five years later, he was promoted to hardware department manager, and six years after that, he was assigned to manage the paint department.  In 2013, Ed was promoted to Assistant Manager when the store was purchased by Bibens Ace, and in February of 2018 he was promoted to Store Manager, now overseeing the entire operation.


Lee Ann Lyman出生後在NH北康威長大青春時,通常會發現她騎馬照顧馬後來她上新漢普郡大學,繼續訓練並比賽自己的裝飾馬,後來決定離校追逐她的馬術夢

幾年來,Lee Ann將沿馬路遊遍佛羅裏達州冬季並返回Woodstock夏令營VT

乐动体育app网页版2002年Lee Ann開始在Woodstock家用硬件打工,很快發現自己在忙碌的塗料部門處於全時位置,在那裏她喜歡幫助客戶處理塗料問題和顏色需求。除管理塗料部門外,她繼續承擔行政和管理職責,並於2020年提升為存儲管理員乐动体育英超赞助商Pibens家族繼續協同員工工作。 Lee Ann不工作時接受訓練並競相參加新英格蘭兩場敏捷測試,與家人共事、園藝和戶外活動
